Let's face it, Americans love to eat - there's no way around it. Calls every day from every direction, the siren song of "stuff" for us, and listen carefully. Flip on the television channel and a device to know we try to buy everything from gold coins to a Japanese steak knives that can cut. Down the aisle of a grocery store and you will find several food companies promote their products through free gifts food sample, couponsand have chubby chef behind pans, how good their product really is.
Go to the mall and you hear loud music from a teen clothing store, whose goal is to get to the 'tweens and up crowd "and take to attract a glance. But there is much worse .. .
You go to a car dealership, discuss a new six-cylinder cars of smaller size. The purchase price is $ 25,000. Are you going to put $ 5,000 down and financing the balance of $ 20,000. You decidethat this car requires at least seven years. The car company has a promotional rate of 2.9% for 60 months. very cheap - at this rate, would pay $ 358.49 per month. He went with a new $ 45,000 sports car. With the same $ 5,000 in base rental rates were less than $ 360 a month for 36 months, so you were in the same boat, but true to a much better looking car, right? There's only one problem. You did not factor in that after 3 years, should have given the car and getwith another deposit of $ 5,000 for the next battle.
On and on it goes, until one day you send more money to the credit card company that you pay for your mortgage or rent. In the words of the legendary band, Talking Heads, 'Well, how did I get here? "
If we go back 100 years to the dawn of the 20th Century, has had very little debt to our ancestors. They spent most of the time and companies money, mend clothes get cooking all afternoon, reading books to themChildren and talk to each other. Most had no phones, no so-called tele-marketing, no one had a television, so there's no such thing as a job or his older brother, a spot, and above all, we lived a life much easier and probably more satisfactory. Ironically, finds the most things we buy today, on his way in a closet, gift basket or after the acquisition. With this as a back-drop, here is our list of 10 Smart Financial Moves to make rightNow!
Wait 24 hours. Have you ever bought something already, took it home, and then realized that does not really want to go? What will it take again the next day, but it's just sitting there. A month later he retired from the board chair in a corner and finally, in the closet, where he would have waited for years SA 24 hours, most of the time would be a change of heart (and improve your financial situation), if not, at least you know who yourPurchase would be important to you. So wait, is not everywhere - in reality it is not.
Sometimes it is not necessary the most expensive option. I have a very good friend, a rock star lifestyle living. He is single, has a good job making a lot of money and buys all the trappings of success. He spent his summer weekends in the Hamptons, fly to the Caribbean for long winter evenings and weekends, skiing the Swiss Alps during the year. He eats sushi for lunch three timesa week, drinking champagne at the bar while drinking beer, others, and does everything to show that "made it." If you ask him happy if he tells you "not to be happy?" There is only a problem if it is not money that he is so nervous that he is unhappy to be around. He places undue claims for his employer, is notoriously cheap people who gave great service and usually seems too close to shore. Do you have any of thesePerson, place for a skiing holiday in Utah, a sandwich for lunch and a beer at the bar. You wake up feeling better the next day because of how you're smart. Others respect you even more. The fact is that most people know my friend is broken ...
Timing is everything. We live in a second company division. I can literally go on the Internet now and get a book from a seller of books online and have it delivered today. This is a remarkable achievement. It 's likeMagic, I click "Confirm" and played literally 90 minutes later at my door. There is only one small problem. "Magic" takes a lot of money. Do not get me wrong, there are times for speed, heart to pay compensation, a taxi to the airport, if late, important documents to be signed tomorrow, etc, but take most of the time, with advance planning little, you can create a lot of money.
"Private Label" all you can. The other day I was shopping atGrocery store. When my wife and I walked down the aisle, we came to the section plastic bag. He reached for the brand garbage bags and I asked her if she is the difference between them and the shop private-label trash bags could say. "Of course not," he said. I looked at the box in his hand and looked at the window of the brand on the shelf. Without saying a word, she changed immediately.
Turn Off The Lights. I do not even ask. I have motion detectors onLight switch in my house. And 'nice when you turn off, children do not complain about the extra work and everyone is happy.
Refinancing your mortgage - With interest rates at all-time low, if you are one of the few who have not yet refinanced, now would be a good time. If you have $ 250,000 on your mortgage and the rate of 1% can reduce, save more than $ 150 per month. Reduce by 2% and save € 300 per month. Current loans to 30-year fixed rate of about 4.50%, andYou've thought it, parents get a great price!
Pay others to do your work world - Whoaaah, money not less! Yes, this is what we say, but there is a limit. If the value of your time is so that if you spend more time at work to spend more (on behalf of sales comes to mind), and make more per hour that the person who pays for help, it is useful to devote the more time to do your homework and have other, your browsing experience.
AWord "eBay" - As I write this article, I realized it was due to an element of the family that I use regularly. Although not particularly difficult to find, is not cheap. I bought it for less than half price on eBay. Not bad, eh?
Learn to negotiate - the bargaining is the American way. If you see something that does not have a fixed price on the front of the right to buy (and many do), you can negotiate. Think I'm kidding? Think in reverse order. If you listed your homefor sale, the buyer is expected to walk and to offer full price? Doubtful. What happens if you listed your car for sale in the magazine Auto Broker, is trying to negotiate the potential buyers. Want to sell a rare coin is likely to negotiate.
What is the cheapest way to get exactly what you want - is more than one way to acquire assets for personal assistance e. If you ask the habit of what to get the absolutely cheapest, what you do, pleasego away. Think of mineral water. A bottle of water costs on average about a dollar. A little more than a car, a little 'less of a case. What is the absolutely cheapest way to get pure drinking water? Put a filter on your exhaust. high cost per glass (about the same amount in a bottle) is about 2.5 cents. can drink them side by side and tell me the difference in taste.
There are many ways financially intelligent people spend and save money. We recommendSee the world a bit 'different. With 101MoneyTalk list above will help you get started.
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